Reference Document 9
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History of the Monastery
Address Delivered by His Grace Raphael,
Bishop of Brooklyn, at the Time of the Festival, May 30, 1906

Beloved Brothers!

Our truly-wise Mother, the Holy Orthodox Church, continually begins and ends all of her prayers with the blessing of the Name of the Lord God: "Blessed is our God . . ." and ". . . Blessed be the Name of the Lord, henceforth and forevermore."

And this she does wisely, because without the blessing of God, not one good act is able to be completed. The manifest proof of this truth is shown by our present festive organization of this Holy Monastery.

Nearly a year ago, according to the merciful commission of our Archpastor, His Holiness Tikhon, was the raising up, by me who am unworthy, of this Cross, in what was then a wild, wilderness place.

Yes, then nothing was here; then the construction of a holy monastery was only being proposed, but there were neither builders nor means for the construction!

What do we now see? We see, not only a magnificent temple of God, but also beautiful cells for the brethren, in precisely that place where, nearly a year ago, was wilderness!

So then, the preparation is completed; the monastery is erected -- a church in which sacred prayers for the builders and benefactors are offered and the Bloodless Sacrifice is offered on behalf of all and for all.

But how was all this accomplished? Well then, the time of the construction of this monastery is looked on not in years, nor even in months, but, as one says, in only a few days. How was all of this done? How was all of this manifested?

[And so, is it not clear that this is the blessing of God?] Well then, where music is heard, there, it means, is playing; where a song is heard, there, consequently, is singing. Where is heard the blessing of the Name of God, there certainly, will be the blessing of God, and where is the blessing of God, there all is manifested as if from nothing.

Remember, brethren, remember the time, the time otherwise distant, only about a year ago, when the act of founding this Monastery presented itself as being almost impossible -- impossible, that is, in such a short time. Once it was founded, however, it was founded in a very short time.

And how was this so? It was God Who blessed this, and when God blesses, nothing is able to hinder it.

It is impossible, however, to pass by in silence those exemplary labors, struggles, works and endeavors, which were applied in an untiring way, always hoping in the blessing of God, of the respected Mayfield Rector, Fr. Igumen Arseny, for the realization of this glorious act -- the founding of this Holy Monastery. I distinctly remember his usual answer to the question of each of us, "How is the construction of the Monastery to be effected when it is in want for sufficient things for her construction and subsistence?" And always he answered, "It is nothing. God blesses and it will be constructed!" And, in reality, by the blessing of God, his word became action, his labors were crowned with complete success -- the Holy Monastery has been constructed!

And so, honor and praise to this pious Priestmonk who, through his strong hope in the blessing of God, attained the realization of his planning and the approval and blessing of our most noble and zealous Archpastor, His Holiness Archbishop Tikhon, and by the merciful Right Hand of the Master supporting gloriously the founding of this Holy Monastery.

What can I say now to you the brethren of this Holy Monastery? I say to you: Ceaselessly bless God -- in word and deed -- and be assured, that the blessing of God will be with you, and if the blessing of God will be with you, then by all means it will be so ordered and your own deeds will be the deeds of your salvation.

And so all of us will be hearers of pious things, blessing God, saying constantly, "Blessed is our God" and "Blessed be the Name of the Lord," so that the blessing of God, which was with us, will always be with all of you, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Monastery of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk
175 St. Tikhon's Road
Waymart, PA 18472
570-937-4067 (Phone)
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