Moleben for the New Year
Thanks to all who submitted names. The list is complete and being processed for tomorrow.
A moleben is a service of supplication for the living which can be offered for a specific intention (i.e health, salvation, guidance, etc.) or in the case of a general moleben, the 'general' welfare, spiritual and physical, of the individual whose name is mentioned.
In order to correctly prepare the list, as previously noted on this page, we have stopped accepting names as of 2pm Eastern. If you have a serious need please use our regular prayer and Liturgy commemoration forms now or at any time in the future.
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Monastery of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk
175 St. Tikhon's Road
Waymart, PA 18472
175 St. Tikhon's Road
Waymart, PA 18472
570-937-4067 (Phone)
9MarTriumph of Orthodoxy
9:10 Hours and Divine Liturgy
4:30 Vespers & Small ComplineMon
10Mar6:00 Midnight Office, Matins, Hours
4:30 9th Hour, Typica, Vespers, Great ComplineTue
11Mar6:00 Midnight Office, Matins, Hours
4:30 9th Hour, Typica, Vespers, Great Compline