Pre-order this new title by Archimandrite Sergius.
The Apostle Paul (Philippians 2:5) and other holy Church luminaries have emphasized the importance of obtaining the 'mind of Christ' within our own. How else can we discover and do God's Will? A more difficult question is how to we 'aquire' the mind of Christ as 21st Century Christians?
Archimandrite Sergius has answer this question in a new book which will release on October 15. However, you may pre-order your copy at STS Press. In this recent interview Archimandrite Sergius give more details not just about the book but why it is useful in spiritual life...
1. Why did you feel there was a need to write a book on this subject?
After visiting so many parishes and seeing the spiritual needs and questions that people ask it seemed this might provide a resource in an area that I felt was lacking.
2. Is this book mostly for monks or for the laity also?
This book is written for everyone so that no matter their position or place and time they will be able to receive something from this book
3. How can the laity overcome the distractions of the world to 'acquire the mind of Christ' in daily life?
For everyone it is the same: we need perseverance and a sustained patient effort trusting in the Lord and continuing our dialog with Him.
4. People attend church, listen to the teachings and applications and the go and live like the 'rest of the world' without putting these principles into action. Why do you think this is, and, is this a modern phenomenon or has it always been that way?
It is very hard to live a Christian life and to "practice what we preach." However, I think that often we fail because we don't place a high enough priority on interior spiritual effort. We need to understand what inner spiritual effort is and seek to know how to put God first in this way.
5. This sounds like a lifetime process: what can the laity do each day to continue 'moving forward'?
Little by little, moment by moment we keep putting the Lord first in our life in every way we can.
6. Some Church Fathers have emphasized 'attacking' the passions and resisting Satan. Elder St. Porphyrios stresses the need to draw closer to Christ and let Christ 'take care' of the passions and other temptations. Where does your book lie in these two approaches to sanctity?
We always need to keep our focus on the Lord not sin and passions. It is imperative that we keep our spiritual life and our perspective concerning it very positive. It is a difficult arena but we must always strive to be thankful and positive about our life in God.
7. Why should someone read this book?
If someone wishes to understand some of the perspectives and opinions that hurt spiritual growth, this book is important to consider.
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