The Elder fell asleep on July 12, 1994
Due to the diligent efforts of the Sisterhood of the Holy Hesychasterion of Evangelist John the Theologian in Souroti, Greece, who had a close relationship with the Saint for over 20 years, the wisdom of Saint Paisios is available to modern Orthodox Christians though the Spiritual Counsels book series. While we will never have a chance to meet the Elder physically in this life, we can benefit from his spiritual direction even as we honor his memory. Here is an exceprt from Passions and Virtues:
The humble person has all the spiritual fragrances: simplicity, meekness, unconditional love, goodness, forbearance, sacrifice, obedience. Since he has spiritual poverty, he also enjoys the fullness of spiritual wealth. He is also devout and silent, and this is why he has kinship with the most Blessed Virgin Mary, the Theotokos, Who had great humility. even though she carried God incarnate in her womb, she did not speak out at all until Christ Himself spoke, at the beginning of His public ministry when He was thirty. At the greeting of the Archangel, Mary said, “Behold, the handmaid of the Lord. Be it unto me according to thy word.”1 She did not say, “I will become the mother of the Son of God”. The Panaghia, because of her humility, holds the second place after the Holy Trinity...
Doe more biographical and devotional information visist these sites...
STS Press (seach 'Pasios')
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