Here are two collections of images with the first from the Arrival of the Iveron Icon on Friday, Saturday's STOTS commencement and the Vigil of Pentecost. The second collection covers Pentecost Sunday with Kneeling Vespers and services on Monday.
2018 Pilgrimage Pentecost Sunday and Monday
2018 Pilgrimage Friday and Saturday
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Monastery of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk
175 St. Tikhon's Road
Waymart, PA 18472
175 St. Tikhon's Road
Waymart, PA 18472
570-937-4067 (Phone)
9MarTriumph of Orthodoxy
9:10 Hours and Divine Liturgy
4:30 Vespers & Small ComplineMon
10Mar6:00 Midnight Office, Matins, Hours
4:30 9th Hour, Typica, Vespers, Great ComplineTue
11Mar6:00 Midnight Office, Matins, Hours
4:30 9th Hour, Typica, Vespers, Great Compline