March ushers in the Lenten fast this year.
Special Events
March 11
Clean Monday....the beginning of Great Lent (Metropolitan Tikhon will be in attendance Forgiveness Sunday - Wednesday)
March 18
Hieromonk Herman and St. Anna at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in York, PA for Pan-Orthodox Vespers
March 23-34
Archimandrite Sergius and St. Anna at a Lenten Retreat at St. Mary Magdalene in Fenton, MI
April 6
Retreat with Archimandrite Sergius at Nativity of the Lord Jesus Christ Monastery in Kemp, TX.
Selected Special Services
Pre-Sanctified Liturgy
Wednesdays and Fridays of Lent at 10:15am.
Feast of the Annunciation
Hours & Divine Liturgy beginning at 8:40am on Monday, March 25
Palm Sunday
Sunday, April 21: the beginning of Holy Week
175 St. Tikhon's Road
Waymart, PA 18472
5Dec6:00 Midnight Office, Hours, & Liturgy
4:30 Vespers & MatinsFri
6DecSt. Nicholas
7:40 Hours, & Liturgy
4:30 Vespers & MatinsSat
7Dec7:40 Hours & Divine Liturgy
4:00 Vigil