May starts with Pascha and ends with the Pilgrimage!
Special Events
Retreat in Washington DC
Archimandrite Sergius and St Anna Icon will be at Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox Church on May 18/19 ~ Details
Memorial Day Pilgrimage
May 25 - 27 ~ Details
Selected Special Services
Holy Week Services
Palm Sunday: 9:10 Hours & Divine Liturgy / 3:30pm Vespers / 4:30pm Bridegroom Matins
Holy Monday - Wednesday: Hours & Presanctified Liturgy at 8:00am / Bridegroom Matins at 4:30pm
Holy Thursday: Hours & Divine Liturgy of St Basil at 8:00am / Twelve Passion Gospels Reading at 6:00pm
* Holy Chrism will be made at the monastery during Holy Week and ends with the consecration on Holy Thursday ~ background information
Holy Friday: Royal Hours 8:00am / Vespers with Placing of the Shroud at 3:00pm / Matins of Holy Saturday at 7:00pm
Holy Saturday: Hours & Liturgy of St Basil at 8:00am / Midnight Office at 11:30am
Matins & Paschal Liturgy at 12:00am/Midnight
Bright Week
Consult the online calendar for service times which vary each day.
Feast of the Ascension
Thursday, June 13
175 St. Tikhon's Road
Waymart, PA 18472
5Dec6:00 Midnight Office, Hours, & Liturgy
4:30 Vespers & MatinsFri
6DecSt. Nicholas
7:40 Hours, & Liturgy
4:30 Vespers & MatinsSat
7Dec7:40 Hours & Divine Liturgy
4:00 Vigil